Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bersih 4.0

During this Bersih 4.0 rally, there has been a sudden trend of using the Chinese Surname as our profile picture to show we support Bersih no matter who we are.
But apparently, some think otherwise.
They say this is going to cause racial issues! And Bersih assembles us as Malaysians so they say it is better to not use our surnames as our profile picture because the Malays or Indians might get offended.
Well, when this post saying this might cause racial issues I see a lot of people taking this picture down and changing to something more general like 'We Are Malaysian' 'Saya Anak Malaysia' and many more. I don't mean it is wrong to change the picture, but I just don't feel like using your name is a racial issue.

Different races represents Malaysia as Malaysia and in fact Malaysia is a multi-racial country. In heart we all know we ARE Malaysians. If one picture of one's names can affect the 'semangat' of Bersih or affect the feelings of the other race, then the change we have wanted has not been made.
Because to accept different races is the first step of change. And the creator of the Chinese Surname picture, Warren (if I am not mistaken), did not even meant to disrespect in the first place, so why interpret as so?
As Malaysians, why worry about such things when there is actually more severe situations that one should consider worrying about? The meaning of having the Bersih rally will not change regardless our race nonetheless our surname.
For my opinion, those that attended the Bersih rally are aware of the condition and they went because they knew us as one and most importantly, they understand us as we have been living under this big roof for quite some time.
So, the ones that think it will lead to racial issues are either not 'semangat' enough, not changing in heart, not believing we are able to make change or just thinking Malaysians as those glass-hearted ding-dongs that do not know how to think as Malaysians but those that will only think on behalf of their own race.
If I am to quote words from Mr Obama and Mr Lee Kuan Yew, a nation that is not united will never succeed. I believe Malaysia is changing, and us as Malaysians will not act as puppets that can be easily controlled by others, we are in the end all educated (at least from my family members that went to the rally told me those that attended Bersih 4.0 are all educated).

We, Malaysians have change to become one and we all want change and the first step of change is to ACCEPT. Accept the differences and whatever happens will not be a racial issue because we ARE already one. And I believe the ones that went to the rally or believe in Bersih will not be so easily manipulated by such things.
Like I said and it is so obvious that Malaysia is a multi-racial country, we do not need to forget who we are because of Bersih. This is in fact the most special factor of being Malaysian, because this is what makes us who we are.
And the reason we want change is because we wanted to protect our country Malaysia, a multi-racial country call Malaysia. So why be sensitive and make anything racial? If we are already One, no point making a fuss about it in the first place.

Stop seeing Malaysia as a bowl of sand, but mud. We stick together no matter what circumstances.
This is what change meant. Us Malaysians being ONE.


Written On

30 August 2015

APA Referencing

Warren. (2015, August 29). Image Retrieved from Facebook.

黃威爾. (2015, August 29). Will黃威爾. Image Retrieved from Facebook: 

Saturday, August 22, 2015


When gambling is no longer a game, what is gambling?

Everybody hates people who gamble, especially those who are addictive gamblers.
Reason being there are a lot of cases of death caused by gambling, a lot of cases of abuse caused by gambling, a lot of cases of family break-ups caused by gambling...and a lot more of fatal and negative cases caused by gambling.
Nothing good came out from being a gambler I assumed, so its kinda okay to hate those who gamble, right?
Well, yes, you have the rights, but will you still hate gamblers if I am to put it this way.....?

First, gambling does not only happen in casinos, lottery shops, underground casinos or any legal or illegal gambling centres that involved money, gambling is somehow our life, what we experience on a daily basis.
From the moment you open your eyes, our life has been a gamble all along, haven't you notice?
When you wake you, sometimes you struggle if you want to lay for 5 minutes more, that is a struggle, or should I say a gamble? Because if you sleep for that 5 minutes, you are actually gambling with the traffic, as we all know a few minutes during peak hours really make a big difference in the traffic, so this is a gamble.
You are gambling between being late or not being late, this is the first thing we do when we wake up and its already been a gamble.
Then, you would have breakfast, you will then be struggling what to eat, a cup of coffee and a few biscuits, at Mc Donalds or Subway, or just not to eat any. This is what we struggle right? But where is the gamble part here? Well, same concept with 5 minutes of sleep, to be late or not to be late? That's truely a question right haha
Well, some say this only subject to those who have no responsible with life, because if they know they need to go to work or school, they must have the responsibility to wake up earlier to avoid being late, so its a choice, not a gamble...
Fair enough, but the statement able is already a type of gambling right? I mean the choice between being responsible or not, a gamble, solid one indeed! Gamble here doesn't mean to be responsible or not, but the consequences that leads behind, if one is responsible, they are being labelled as a good person and not responsible is being otherwise.
So the significant difference in between a choice and a gamble is if they are aware about the consequences that leads or the emotional roller-coaster created during the process. For example, telling a white lie, to tell or not is the choice but to be aware of the consequences is a gamble, because it can be either positive or negative, there is no SURE answer when a person's emotions are involved.
So this is how the a gamble works, the decision is decided based on thoughts and awareness towards the situation and the subject we are facing.

And anyhow in life, we will face a lot of challenges and hardships, and how we decide to solve them are all a gamble we decided to take.
For instance, those who wants to loose weight, they will be consistently be gambling about controlling their appetite so they are able to fit in nice clothes or to enjoy their life as we only live once and to not regret not eating for the sake of clothes.
For those who is opening a business, it is what we define gamble as, because when you start your business, no one can ensure the business will be successful or not, but having the courage and to trust ourselves is a big gamble, and this is the only gamble that when you loose, it causes the most severe financial damage ever.
For those who are struggling to get a good CGPA, their gamble is on time. Because being a university student, it is important to have great memory and build relationships, have fun and learn something practical and not dead boring theories from the textbooks. Time passes by fast, and when it is really over, you will notice that you have not been able to have a memorable university life, and that sense of emptiness is no joke. This is one of the gambles you invest a lot in of time in and when regret hits, the feeling of disappointment is so huge that when you recall about it, nothing more came up other than those days you study study study and study, just for the sake of a 4.0 CGPA.
But here is the ironic part, because nothing stated good result = good job performance, good result = to good pay, good result = high position, good result = abilities. Of course, the gamble is not asking to fail your schools, but live as it is, do your very best during university periods and let fate do the job.

As a student myself, this is the most useless gamble of all, because this is what Chinese families taught their children, that good results = good future, but they forgotten in every person's life, memories are as well.
After all, gambling is not a decision making process but a decision making channel, a channel where the consequences are all depended on their FATE.
Yes, gambling is about fate indeed, no one can control it and no one is able to control it; Fate is what decides it anyway....LOL

Written On

22 August 2015

APA Referencing

Wei, J. L. (2013, October 31). GAMBLING (PROBLEM GAMBLING). Image Retrieved from Full of Emotion: 

Sunday, August 16, 2015

My Birthday...

Today is my birthday
But I'm...
慣れてる... 独りぼっちで過ごすのが...
会いたいよ... 諦められないあなたが...
Why did you leave me
言うほど 届かないどこへ...
Should I forgot you 
泣くほど 消えていくあなた...
My Birthday - FT Island

Today is my birthday
Do you remember it?
But I'm…
spending… here all alone…
I want to see you… I can't give up on you…
Why did you leave me?
It's too much that it can't reach you, where are you?…
Should I forget you?
You're fading and I cried so much…
My Birthday - FT Island

You can choose to listen to the song while reading this blog post, maybe it will trigger you feelings as I have!

A lot might think, a song about birthdays huh, it must be something happy.
Well, nope. This song is nothing happy or sweet, it is about celebrating your birthday without the people you love the most together with you. It is pure pain and heartaches.

WHY?! Why make a painful birthday song?
I guess the song writer wants the public to remember what does it mean to celebrate your birthday.
With the new trends nowadays, everyone's values and habits while celebrating birthday's have change a lot. Instead of celebrating with families, most of them celebrate first with friends, and families will only celebrate after that.
Is this right? I remember one of my friends telling me that she is celebrating her birthday with her friends, I asked how about your family? Are you celebrating together? She said, nope, why would I ever want to celebrate with my family? I would rather have fun with my friends because I can't 'be myself' when I am with my family, they are control freaks.
Yes, I understand that feeling, but since when did a birthday celebration be celebrated without one's family members? Is this like the new trend nowadays?
Have they forgotten what their families have done to make them who they are now? Is all the hard work forgotten when you are growing up? Have memories fade so fast?

The first time when I saw the name of the song, immediately I think of a happy song, but when I listen to it, feeling were brought out, it reminds me of the times I have not been able to celebrate with my family, not because I choose friends or anything, but because I have not been able to be with them during my birthday...
And because of this, whenever I see people decided to celebrate their birthdays with their friends or boyfriend instead of their family, I wonder if they understand the consequences that comes later, because time doesn't go in reverse mode, what that has past is not going to happen again.

Life is a choice, and time is what determines your choices. If you made a good choice, then the time you spend will be much more meaningful compared if you made the wrong choice. But mistaken are allowed to be made just make sure you change it when you notice it.

Actually this is those songs that inserts meaning to your life, making you remember what is the core meaning towards a certain condition.
For example, in the lyrics, it said do you remember it? Has it been so long that they have already forgotten about your birthday? I guess not, because you are family, and I bet are the ones that remembers your birthday without any reminder from FaceBook or any applications out there.
It also said that they are celebrating it all alone, this is mainly caused by yourself. Because after a certain amount of time, relationships between you and your family fades and it then creates a barrier in between and this is when it is hard to pull the relationship close again. It takes time, but time has been running away, and later on what is left is you and you yourself. If you still could not give up on them, please make effort to mend the fading relationship, because I bet if you ask anyone that has experience their close ones leaving them, they will say that not being able to spend enough time with their love ones is the thing that causes regret. And I might add, time is never enough when it is with your families.
Sometimes, families leave you, because of the mistakes you did or if you have pushed them away? Anyway, if they leave you, is it their fault? To me, this is when the regret part comes in, because this is when your hardwork doesn't pay off and you are still alone. What you have done is not making any good and you are starting to get lost, lost in the sense you don't know if going back to them is possible, lost in the sense you do not know if you have any families anymore? Or lost in the sense that you are confused about where you belong to. Lost until you can't reach out to them anymore.
Then the worst is when you are struggling if you should just let it be, because the communication between is fading away, the connections in between are fading away, the strong bond in between is fading away, and until then tears are what is left.
I guess this is not what birthdays are meant to be, because if birthdays are the reasons causing this hardships in a relationship, it would be meaningless to even celebrate birthdays.

Birthdays are the times you recall the things your family has done for you, the pain your mother went through just to get you to this world, the time, the patience, the love your family gave you and the importance of having them in your life.
Family makes you complete, family makes you whole.
So next time when you celebrate your birthday, rethink of the person you want to spend it with, they will appreciate it to the fullest and cherish those memories till the end.

Written On

16 August 2015

APA Referencing

Jae, M. (2015, July 7). FTISLAND - My birthday (Sub English & Español). Retrieved from YouTube:

mojim, & makikawaii-jklyrics.BP. (2015, May 13). FT Island – My Birthday. Retrieved from TUNE UP: 

Sunday, August 9, 2015

The Goldfish Memory

A lot say a goldfish has a memory span of 7 seconds. Only 7 short seconds, is this a good thing or a bad thing? What will you choose is you were given a second chance to choose life? To be human or to be a goldfish?

If you choose to be a human, you will have the ability to remember all the happy memories such as being praised in being good when you are a little kid, having the memories of visiting to those awesome countries, surprise parties your friends and families made for you, the times where you were being loved and many many more.
Then there is anger, those emotions that will only caused by memories that you have been keeping to yourself for a certain period of time and when the day you could not hold it anymore, you explode. And when that happens, you will cause bad bad bad memories that you wish you had never experienced before and it is a two way experience where the same emotions effects the other person as well.
Last would of course be sad moments, these are the times you wish you could forget for the rest of your life, for example heart breaks given by the ones you loved, failures in life, deaths, disappointments and a lot more heart aching moments that you wish you could be a goldfish forever.

So, is it so good to be able to be a goldfish other than a human?
Recently I had a talk with my close buddy, she told me her experienced where she was dumped by her boyfriend, she was so in love with him that she said she could not live without him and do not know how she would be without him accompanying her. She said if she had the chance she would rather choose to be a goldfish, because she is able to refresh her memory immediately after 7 seconds and she will only be in pain for 7 seconds.

The moment I heard her saying this I smiled. She thought I was so cruel that I was laughing at her heart breaks, but in fact, I am laughing at her being so pure with life. This is a complicated world and she is able to kept such pure heart is truly something awesome.
She asked why, I did not say anything but I asked a question: Do you remember loving him? She did not understand why I asked such question so I told her my thoughts.
'In this world, if you were a goldfish with only 7 seconds of memory would you have the chance to be in love with him? Or only being in love for 7 seconds is already enough for you? If you were a goldfish with 7 seconds of memory would you be able to remember all the happy moments you have cherish so much with him? Or are all those memories not important or memorable at all that you hope it would be deleted from your memory after just 7 seconds? Yes, you might encounter sadness or anger, but if you were only a goldfish with 7 seconds of memory, you would have no memory of who he is, and worst memory of who you are. Is remembering who you are so frustrated that you wish to forget yourself after just 7 seconds since your birth? Are you so unappreciated that you would want to just remember yourself for 7 seconds? In your whole life span, is 7 seconds for everything really enough for you?'

For me, 7 seconds is just too short for me to do anything, I am not able to remember what I love, what I am passionate about, what my abilities are, all my experiences, and myself. I am not given the chance to remember anything. I really can't imagine what would I be without memories.
Yes you might be hurt sometimes, and would want these memories out of your life, but by remembering it, you would know how to be grateful of what you had and know what does it means to be alive. Because without memories, you would be just like a robot.
A robot without feelings and emotions. A robot without identity.
Actually by having memories, we are able to learn how to balance out emotions and thinkings. For instance we would know that happy moments are more important and is something more memorable, therefore you can use happy memories to overlap your unhappy thoughts. It is effective because if your are able to put your bad memories aside, you will be choosing happy over sad and that decision is done by having memories and past experiences.

Humans; a species that is given the chance to choose happiness or sadness.
During my secondary years, I was in a situation where I am being so sad and emotionally down for my whole form 5 year. I experienced a relationship split, a death from my most loved grandmother and a boycott from almost the whole form 5 students. It is really emotionally abusive indeed.
I was so sad but I am not given the chance to express my feeling so I kept it all to myself and cried myself to bed for a very long period of time.
Then, I tell myself I need to change. Not my personality to please the others, but my mindset. The choice of being a goldfish towards my sad and angry memories. It might sound impossible, but it works.
Well, first is to be grateful, always be grateful. Because one can only be happy if your are satisfied with your life and what you already have. Second is to find your passion, do what you love and find love in what you are doing. Because by doing what you love, you are able to open up your mind and make your life meaningful again, and at that moment, I rediscovered music :D Third is to read, yeah yeah I know, reading is boring, but reading does help. Not motivational books, any books will do. Me myself, I love novels, romantic, horror, investigation and family related ones. Books that inspires you, books that help you rethink your actions and ways of seeing things, because by changing your perspectives, you are able to change and choose happiness.
Last but not least, is to choose. Choose the life you wanted to live, the things you wanted to remember and certainly the 'you' you want to be. When you encounter sadness, sit back relax and chill. Or just simply to K.I.S.S (Keep It Simple Stupid). When your mindset is simple, you can easily filter out bad memories and forget things you want to forget. Or even choose to not remember when it is already happening, this is really good way to stay happy.

So you do not need to be a goldfish to filter out sad memories, you can be you and learn the filtering skills later haha
It needs some time but it is definitely worth it.
Well, it has some negative effects though.....What? Well, later you would know you would have bad bad memory. Like what my brother said, I need blueberries (like a lot) because my memory is so bad now I could not remember anything >< Yeah, I only remember what I want to remember, and most of them aren't stuff I want to remember so yeah......hehe

Written On

9 August 2015

APA Referencing:

Mortensen, P. (2010, June 9). Goldfish Memory. Image Retrieved from The Fishbowl Experiment: