Sunday, August 30, 2015

Bersih 4.0

During this Bersih 4.0 rally, there has been a sudden trend of using the Chinese Surname as our profile picture to show we support Bersih no matter who we are.
But apparently, some think otherwise.
They say this is going to cause racial issues! And Bersih assembles us as Malaysians so they say it is better to not use our surnames as our profile picture because the Malays or Indians might get offended.
Well, when this post saying this might cause racial issues I see a lot of people taking this picture down and changing to something more general like 'We Are Malaysian' 'Saya Anak Malaysia' and many more. I don't mean it is wrong to change the picture, but I just don't feel like using your name is a racial issue.

Different races represents Malaysia as Malaysia and in fact Malaysia is a multi-racial country. In heart we all know we ARE Malaysians. If one picture of one's names can affect the 'semangat' of Bersih or affect the feelings of the other race, then the change we have wanted has not been made.
Because to accept different races is the first step of change. And the creator of the Chinese Surname picture, Warren (if I am not mistaken), did not even meant to disrespect in the first place, so why interpret as so?
As Malaysians, why worry about such things when there is actually more severe situations that one should consider worrying about? The meaning of having the Bersih rally will not change regardless our race nonetheless our surname.
For my opinion, those that attended the Bersih rally are aware of the condition and they went because they knew us as one and most importantly, they understand us as we have been living under this big roof for quite some time.
So, the ones that think it will lead to racial issues are either not 'semangat' enough, not changing in heart, not believing we are able to make change or just thinking Malaysians as those glass-hearted ding-dongs that do not know how to think as Malaysians but those that will only think on behalf of their own race.
If I am to quote words from Mr Obama and Mr Lee Kuan Yew, a nation that is not united will never succeed. I believe Malaysia is changing, and us as Malaysians will not act as puppets that can be easily controlled by others, we are in the end all educated (at least from my family members that went to the rally told me those that attended Bersih 4.0 are all educated).

We, Malaysians have change to become one and we all want change and the first step of change is to ACCEPT. Accept the differences and whatever happens will not be a racial issue because we ARE already one. And I believe the ones that went to the rally or believe in Bersih will not be so easily manipulated by such things.
Like I said and it is so obvious that Malaysia is a multi-racial country, we do not need to forget who we are because of Bersih. This is in fact the most special factor of being Malaysian, because this is what makes us who we are.
And the reason we want change is because we wanted to protect our country Malaysia, a multi-racial country call Malaysia. So why be sensitive and make anything racial? If we are already One, no point making a fuss about it in the first place.

Stop seeing Malaysia as a bowl of sand, but mud. We stick together no matter what circumstances.
This is what change meant. Us Malaysians being ONE.


Written On

30 August 2015

APA Referencing

Warren. (2015, August 29). Image Retrieved from Facebook.

黃威爾. (2015, August 29). Will黃威爾. Image Retrieved from Facebook: 

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