Photo By: Mark Wilson
As the public is still extremely against same-sex marriage as they think it is 'wrong'.
Well, what is right and wrong? Who are they to define the terms to being right or being wrong? They solemnly disagreed to the new law cause they 'think' its wrong. But is there no right to be found in this issue?
Christians hold a very strong ground about this being wrong, with their thoughts about it being stated as sinned in their holy bible, so it is against God's rules, it is inhumane, it is immoral.
Seriously! Enough with this sort of accusations. This are all your own opinions towards the issue. There is no 'God said', it has only just been what you want God to say all along.
The bible is written ages ago and has been translated in many ways and languages, accurate is the bible you are reading now?
Even if the bible is real and true, to me, it is all how the reader wants to interpret it.
Somehow, I recall the people nowadays to be intelligent enough to think wisely based on human rights. And since when is respecting others' likes not part of the society's so-called intelligent mindset?
I did some research on the topic, gathered some info about the whole issue from a lot of different people. Well, without any surprise, I am able to find people from both parties and I got info that WOWed me.
Well, not in a good way I might add.
XiaXue is one of the famous bloggers from Singapore, she recently commented about this issue and it is one of the most rational response I have ever seen. (XiaXue's Blog Post)
Although its a long post, but it is very interesting. If possible, please do spend some time reading it, cause you might change your mind after reading which is certainly a good thing for the community. The following are the words taken from her post:
"If you find something disgusting, it is easy to also decide that it is wrong, sick, and shouldn't be allowed. And that the people who like it, must be either crazy, perverse, ignorant, or has to be "fixed" in some way.
Grow up. Just because you find celery disgusting doesn't mean other people shouldn't be allowed to eat it.
A mature person separates his emotions from his judgement. It is hard to do so, I'll admit it. Being an emotional person, I still wish there are laws against all the things I dislike, but a small part of me knows that isn't right." -- XiaXue
Yes, can't agree more. You can be disgusted about it, but never loose respect to it at the same time.
Then, while reading, I recall my cousin sister telling me a conversation shared by her Lesbian friend saying:
"A: I hope things about Homosexual marriage will not be publicly shown on TV, cause I would not want my child to see information like this while they are growing up.
Friend: Well, I personally hate the Black people, so I hope they don't appear on TV too.
A: How can you be so rude? The Blacks are genetically born with black skin color, they have no choice.
Friend: Yeah. So does the Gays or Lesbians. They have no choice as they are born to like the same gender too."
This conversation hit me like a rock. Yes they are born with it. They didn't choose to be homosexuals, they are homosexuals. So, if you dislike the taste of durians, who are you to control others to not eat durians? And the bible certainly didn't say eating durians is the right thing to do right? So, since its not written in the bible to be the right thing? Why eat?
Technically speaking, eating animals are wrong, so are everyone vegan? They say sex before marriage is wrong, but look at people nowadays, getting pregnant at such young age. Then, they have no choice but to go through an abortion or gave up their baby by sending him/her to the orphanage.
So which is more inhumane? Gay marriage or 'accident-babies' created by irresponsible teens for the sake of sex?
I really do wonder, what are the rights and wrongs? Did perspectives of people changed so much that they could not decide what is the real issue they should be opposing?
I read about an article posted by Christianity Today (click here for article)
Inside, it stated:
"If we want to support marriage, we cannot wink at divorce and adultery. If we wish preserve the lives of unborn children, then we must care about the environment in which they will be born and grow. If we respect bodies as God made them, we must reject the vanity of drastic cosmetic surgeries and interventions that deny the body's natural condition, functions, and processes. If we believe Christ is the Good Shepherd who cares for his sheep, then we must lovingly shepherd the animals beneath us. If we care about God’s Creation, then we cannot treat the earth’s resources as disposable.
We must not tear the created order asunder in well-intentioned attempts to tackle “issues.” To worship God who exists in fullness and wholeness, we don’t get to pick and choose. We must dedicate our all to affirming and celebrating his right order."
What sort of words are these?
Since when did the bible force people to do something without giving them the rights to pick and choose? Since when picking or choosing stuff is wrong?
I wonder, does this mean divorced people are wrong? Does this mean people who went through a divorce are sinned? Divorced can be caused by many reasons and if God's will is to not allow any divorce cases, what rights are then given to the wives all over the world when they are being abused by their husbands? Is it then being killed by their abusing husband right?
Abortion is wrong, because cases caused by irresponsible people are increasing by the minute. But sometimes it is for the better. Technology nowadays are so incredible that they are able to test the baby's health condition through ultrasound. So if the parents are unable to choose, does this mean getting an abortion for babies with severe health issues like anencephaly, a fatal disease where the baby is to be born without parts of the brain or skull considered wrong?
There is a case in Pennsylvania, Jenna Gassew and Dan Haley, parents to a baby with anencephaly, Shane Haley. They did not go through abortion because they loved him and wanted to have spend more time with him.
Baby Shane's ultrasound picture
Comments Taken from the Website
And, we must respect how we look and not go through any plastic surgery, so does this again mean going through plastic surgery are acts of sin? Are people again unable to choose beauty? Is having the thought of being prettier wrong in any way? You might say, well, if it is necessary to undergo plastic surgery it is not wrong, but it is just to those who already have good looks or figures. Why don't they just live happily with what they have?
But in what sense is seeking perfection wrong? One can dream of having a perfect house, perfect car but not a perfect look? Isn't it ironic to have such different perspectives regarding the same thing? Double Standard much!
Try thinking if you looked like this women, Huh Ye Eun (on the left), imagine the hardship you will go through.
Huh Ye Eun - Before and After Plastic Surgery
If plastic surgery can bring a person's life back, who are they to force her to 'live-with-her-original-look' and struggle to survive for the rest of her life? (Video of Huh Ye Eun's Life after Surgery)
You might say, those people that abuse their wives or hiring people based on their looks are disgusting, but aren't people who disagree with same-sex marriage same as well?
God is right, but does this mean Gays or Lesbians are wrong?
I personally changed my Facebook profile picture to the rainbow filtered one when it just came out on Facebook, the next day when I am at my university, one of my friends (well, obviously the hardcore followers of God) asked me a question.
"Friend: Hey, I have a question for you, would you prefer your son to be a rapist or a gay?
Me: A gay. I would not want my son to be a rapist, its illegal.
Friend: Okay. So, would you prefer your son being a rapist or a gay rapist?"
I did not answer, as this is a very rude question.
And I never recall God allowing vulgar words coming out from his followers mouth and certainly not questions like this! It is just outrages and to me, having attitudes like this are way way way worst than any Homosexual couples out there.
This is what disgusting is to me.
APA Referencing:
Image Retrieved from
Kuruvilla, C. (2014, August 19). Pennsylvania couple take unborn baby diagnosed with fatal birth defect on bucket list of adventures. Retrieved from
Prior, K. S. (2015, June 29). Gay Marriage, Abortion, and the Bigger Picture. Retrieved from
surgery, i. h. (2014, September 25). Kabar Terbaru Huh Ye Eun, Let Me In - Indonesian subtitle, Review Operasi Plastik Korea. Retrieved from
Wilson, M. (2015, June 26). Gay marriage declared legal across the US in historic supreme court ruling. Retrieved from
XiaXue. (2015, July 4). Gay Marriage and all the Reasons to Oppose It. Retrieved from
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