Saturday, June 27, 2015

Is The Missing Link still Missing?

A lot might ask, what is the missing link?
Some might say, the missing link are creatures we all call Aliens, Big Foot or any of those mystic creatures we believed existed.
BUT.....Are they The Missing Link?
To me, the missing link is non of those mystic being above but you yourself. YES, you are the missing link.

Well, the missing links are those that we all have not seen before but thought its always there. The missing link are those that we want to learn more about. The missing link is so huge so incredible that it can go anywhere and be anything.
So, aren't those statements stated make you relate to your mind, your brain, your imagination?
Your mind is always there but you could never see it.
Your brain is one of the organs that scientists want to learn more about.
And last but not least, your imagination is so huge so incredible that it can put you anywhere and be anything.
Without us giving meaning to the research and studies, 'The Missing Link' would not even exist.
We are the creators of the missing link, therefore we are the link.

Why did I have this crazy thought?
A few days ago I saw a documentary showing the old Chinese palace, The Forbidden City - 紫禁城.
The Forbidden City - 紫禁城
It documented the roads China's past emperors used to step on, rooms the past king and queens used to live in, gardens and parks the people living in the palace use to discuss business or gossip about the other imperial concubines.
It is truly amazing!
It then continued with a story of the emperors mother, Empress Lee - 李太后 also known as Empress Xiao Ding - 孝定太后.
Empress Xiao Ding - 孝定太后
She use to be a servant, but the king was so into her that he got intimate with her despite the other concubines he already had.
Then, she got pregnant and she was immediately promoted as an imperial concubine. After a decade, the king passed away and Imperial Concubine Lee's son was ask to be prince, and she got the title of 'Empress'.
Although she is the empress, she was not getting the respect she should be given due to her background of being a servant.
But she was so cleaver that she told everyone she dreamt about herself being the Nine Lotus Buddha - 九蓮菩薩 and she built a temple to worship the Buddha she 'dreamt' herself to become.
Pagoda of Ci Shou Temple - 慈壽寺塔
After that, people changed, as China is a superstitious country so people do not dare to challenge her, as she is then known as the living god.
I was inspired, and thought ‘WOW! She is awesome! I would want to be her no doubt'.

Then this is when I had the idea about us being the missing link.
Because of us giving meaning to the past, we have now able to trace back to those historical days and connect ourselves to the past.
Because we are able to imagine, we can be in both the past and the present.
If one is crazy enough, you can be in the past and the future. Those are the people like J.K Rowling, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron and more talented talented writers, directors, producers and anyone of you who are brave enough to explore your mind and have the adventure you always wanted with your eyes closed.
Like the Harry Potter series, Jurassic World, The Avatar and many more...these are creations of those who linked their mind and imagination to the past and the future using present technology and expressed it successfully through written words or movies.
We, then put ourselves into the situation and gave meaning to it by linking ourselves to the past and future as well.

But some say, histories make the present, and the missing links are those that makes the future. So how can we be THE missing link?
Try thinking it this way, because the missing link is no longer ‘missing', so it ain't the missing link any-more, its just The Link.
And aren't we suppose to be the link to the future? Aren't we making the future now?
Hence, if the link is to create future and we ARE indeed creating a future, what are we?...

Written On

27 June 2015

APA Referencing

(2015, May 11). Retrieved from Wikipedia:

寒冰冰. (2010, November 4). blog_寒冰冰的个人空间. Retrieved from 中國網專家博客:

馆长秘书. (2010, October 10). 馆长秘书的博客. Retrieved from 新浪博客:

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Love Inspires

What is cancer? I guess everyone would be thinking about deaths, severe diseases and such, but to me, its different.
Why? Well, of course its not because of Cancer itself, but because of a Cancer victim who I will remember for the rest of my life. She, is my Grandmother.

She is such an incredible women, she fought with cancer like it was nothing;
She gone through a lot of pain but still manage to bare with it, as according to the doctors, cancer is a very painful sickness. Cancer patients usually screams and shouts a lot because even with Morphines, the pain is still extremely over the top.
Even the doctor was in awe, he told us he never saw a patient that can bare with so much of pain and still managed to smile and talk when we are in the ward.
But she always asked us to visit her less because the travel distance form our home is not near, but now I knew what is the REAL reason behind. It is because she was in too much pain but do not want us to worry so much so she acted that she was feeling okay.
Because of this, I learnt to be strong. Cause we easily feel defeated especially when we are in a bad situation. I use to be that kind of people too. But I changed.
How can you feel bad or defeated when there is someone being this positive and caring at the same time and is facing something so bad that it will unfortunately take your life away from you.

Although it has been years since her death, but sometimes when I close my eyes and think of her, it feels like she is still here with me. Like she never really left.
I still remember the night before she passed away, she was discharged from the hospital, but she couldn't breath so there is a breathing tank for her.
With her condition, she could not stand one minute without the help from the tank.
But the most amazing thing happened, as when she reach home, she needs to discharge from the tank as she needs to walk from the car to the house. Other than the breathing, she isn't suppose to be able to even walk! But because she is that amazing, she not only walked, but walked without the breathing tank!
She is so sick, but she still manage to do such amazing things that sometimes a normal sick person is unable to do.
So, no healthy person has the rights to end their life or even say things that are negative. Cause she, who has both Breast and Lung cancer did not give up how can you?

When she is in the house, she saw me and my brother. She was so happy and excited at the same time!
Cause we study in Taiping (A small place in Perak) for our secondary studies, so we have not much time together, especially when she diagnosed with Breast Cancer.
We were very close cause we are raised in Kuala Lumpur and she is the one that brought us up.

I remember her sitting on the bamboo chair, and I was sitting next to her, she called my name, she smiled and she took my hand! She has not much strength left because she just walked and she still looked pale and tired a second ago, but not when she saw us.
But what made me so happy and sad at the same moment was when she saw my brother and she literally sat up and took my brother's hand. Yes, she sat up. How did she manage to do it is so incredible!
Although you might say its a miracle, but I believe she is the one that gave all her strength just to hold my brother's hand.
She is so ill, but because of love, she did a lot of things that sometimes cannot be done by a normal person. She is such an inspiration to me.

She thought me how to be positive and stay positive even when you are not in good conditions,
She thought me to be strong no matter what and to be someone else's source of happiness, cause when life knocks you down you can choose to fall or get back up.

Until now, I still cries whenever I think of her.
Even when I am writing this post, I shed a few tears when I recall memories of her.

Be the one that gives less worries to others, be the one that gives others strength to move on.
Be just like her, this remarkable women; My Lovely Grandmother.

To me, lessons are those that will stay inside our mind no matter how much time has passed.
To me, inspiration are those that will keep you MOTIVATED and 'ALIVE' even if they are not here anymore.
To me, this is beyond inspiration. THIS IS LOVE, because love is the only thing that can be always there even when they aren't there. Love is the only thing that will keep reminding us about things, memories, lessons, and of course them.

Love is Inspiration. Love is Infinite.

Written On

21 June 2015

Sunday, June 14, 2015

FT Island is Life

I guess everyone has that one thing that is there to inspire them. Music; Movies; A Person; Literally anything in the universe can be ones inspiration. As for me, its through Music.
Not just any music, but FT Island's music! Because of them, I now see music as life, my source of energy. Yes! They are FT Island.
And I guess you are curious to know who are they? Well, they are a Korean Rock Band consists of 5 members! (A lot might think: Arghh! Not K-pop again. Well, they are Koreans but no, this ain't k-pop, this is Music!)

에프티 아일랜드 (FT Island)

Intro from Right to Left

최종훈 (Choi Jong Hoon)

♥ Leader
♥ Guitarist and Pianist
♥ Composer and Lyricist
♥ Actor

이홍기 (Lee Hong Ki)

♥ Lead Vocalist
♥ Composer and Lyricist
♥ Actor
♥ SkullHong's Creative Director (Fashion Brand)

최민환 (Choi Min Hwan)

♥ Drummer
♥ Composer and Lyricist
♥ YouTube TV Host

이재진 (Lee Jae Jin)

♥ Vocalist
♥ Bassist
♥ Composer and Lyricist
♥ Actor

송승현 (Song Seung Hoon)

♥ Vocalist
♥ Guitarist
♥ Composer and Lyricist
♥ Actor

FT Island have struggled for 8 years and all they wanted was to produce their own music! Those 8 years aren't all good moments, they succeed, they fall, they were controlled, they are ignored, they are neglected and they got back up every single time!
And now, they are Back! STRONGER than ever, doing the music they love and have always wanted! Although their company is not giving the support they should, but FT will not give up!
Reporters asked why "I Will"? Hong Ki (Lead Vocalist) said: 'It was actually named "We Will" but we decided to change to "I Will" because we want our fans and those who listen to the album to fulfil their dreams as well.'
If you already know them please continue to support them, if you don't, please give them a chance to show you what they are capable of! You might not feel anything but you might also feel otherwise!
Music has no limits, and language is certainly not a barrier. You might not be crazy in love but, who knows the result might surprise you as well.
You may fall for them without you even noticing! That, is the power of REAL MUSIC! ♥

I have been into FT Island's music for 4 years and their music is still touching my soul as I first started loving them. This is the most incredible feelings I got from music, a lot might think I am childish for liking a Korean Band and I can't deny that actually.
Cause I am really strict when it comes to FT Island, I will not listen to their music (new songs especially) if I am not able to listen to it peacefully or not being able to enjoy every single note the band played or sung. I also can't stand other people giving false accusations about them without knowing who they are. So, I guess I am that protective when it comes to FT Island.

I remembered a line from a recent drama call Prince of Prince (Jong Hoon's new short drama), it says:
"To every single person, there must be something so precious to themselves that others might not understand why. And because it is so meaningful and precious to you, you wouldn't want other people to know its existence.
Then later on, you would be afraid that people might misunderstand you so you kept it hidden deep inside. ㅡ Hiang Dan"

This is just so me! Although I am proud to be a Primadonna (FT Island's Fandom name), but I could never simply introduce them to my friends or families unless they show interest, then I will keep blabbing about them non-stop LOL
I never knew why, but now I know. Its because they are too precious to me, I never though someone that I have never met would mean so much. They aren't my families or close friends, so I never thought I would stay loyal for so long!
I am lucky enough to be in love with the music that can touch my soul, I guess that's the main reason why I am so attached to their music!

My fist FT Island song was "Don't Love". At that time, I don't know their looks and certainly don't know who are they, but this particular song changed my thoughts towards the Korean Entertainment Industry.

사랑 하지마요 (Don't Love) - FT Island

After that, I YouTubed them, Googled them. Since then, I am addicted to them. (Yes, its quite scary indeed.)

I have grown with their music and before I knew them, I never thought of being that I-am-into-Rock girl, but they changed me. Because they are a band, I started to learn to differentiate different music instruments. The Bass has one of the hardest sound to spot in a song, cause the vocal, the drum and mainly the electric guitar's sound will be layered on top of it and no joke, I really took sometime to just spot the bass's sound.
At first, I though then why have the bass if no one could spot it easily? Well, after I can, I noticed the importance of the bass, it acts as a compliment sound supporting the drum and; its the heart of the band.
Some might be curious of how the bass sounds, this video is 4 years ago I guess, its during one of FT Island's concerts.

Lee Jae Jin (The Bassist)'s Solo Performance.

FT Island brought back my passion into music and certainly my love towards singing.
They also inspired me to take up a new language, Korean. Although I did not went to classes, but I managed to learn the language at home. I bought books and asked my friends who knew Korean to give me some tips and now, I can read, speak and write Korean. Not fluent though, but I can handle normal and easy conversations.
I have already know the basics so whenever I met those people that wanted to learn Korean, I am willing to teach them the things I knew about the language and certainly about the Korean culture as well.

If its not because of FT Island. I will still be that girl who is still confused and thinking about what my passion will be and what my dreams will be.
I am not shy to say that I am Proud of having FT Island as my idol, my guide and my inspiration. I am not shy to say that I am Proud to be a Primadonna.

If anyone out there got moved by this particular writing and is curious about their music. I am willing to share some of my favourite ones from their newest album "I Will".
Actually, their title song is "Pray", I love that song too but I personally like "To The Light" more :)

To The Light - FT Island
Composer: Lee Jae Jin (Bassist)
Lyricist: Lee Jae Jin (Bassist) & Lee Hong Ki (Lead Vocalist)

I guess it would be wrong to not share any live performances. Cause another reason why I stay with FT for so long is certainly because of their A.W.E.S.O.M.E live performances! ♥
This video is from their Replay Autumn Tour 2013 in Japan. (PS: They are more popular in Japan than Korea.)

Black Chocolate (Japanese Version) - FT Island
Composer: Lee Hong Ki (Lead Vocalist)
Lyricist: Lee Hong Ki (Lead Vocalist)

After the video, if anyone is interested in the full concert, you can click the link below ♥

Written On

14 June 2015

APA Referencing

Island, F. (2015). I Will [Recorded by F. Island]. Korea, Seoul, Cheong Dam Dong.

Saranghae, P. (2015, March 15). FT Island Comeback Schedule of Releases New Teaser Image. Retrieved from Beprimadonna: 

FT Island- 사랑하지마요 (Don't Love) lyrics [Eng. | Rom. | Han.]. (2011, September 20). Retrieved from YouTube:

[Solo Stage] Lee Jae Jin 이재진- Bass performance. (2010, September 8). Retrieved from YouTube:

(FT아일랜드), F. (2015, March 16). FTISLAND - To The Light M/V (2015 KOR). Retrieved from YouTube:

FTISLAND-black chocolate. (2014, January 10). Retrieved from YouTube:

[Vietsub + Kara] FTISLAND AUTUMN TOUR 2013 - REPLAY (FULL). (2015, March 1). Retrieved from YouTube: